David Stickley Writing David Stickley Writing

Mailchimp does more than just email? Effortlessly add an online store and more today

Are you tired of having separate accounts for marketing campaigns and your online e-commerce store?  Of course, you are.  You have Mailchimp for your email campaigns and Shopify linked to Printful.  Well, finally Mailchimp is stepping in to give you everything your growing business needs under one platform.  Yep, 1 login, 1 password, for everything. Yes, please! 

Simplify your day-to-day operations.

If you are like most growing businesses, you’re tired of switching between screens, opening tabs, entering different logins to manage all the tools of your business.  Not to mention separate invoices.  You don’t need that.  Now your website, your appointments, marketing, online store and more, are all under Mailchimp’s platform.  Yes, the team at the yellow Curious George-looking logo, has heard the cry of the small business owner and is now making life simpler.  How you might ask?

Easy interface for the non-tech person, so you can focus on your business.

You can reclaim your sanity when you open an online storefront with Mailchimp.  After an easy setup for your website on Mailchimp, setting up your online store is a click of a button.  Yes, just click a button and it adds a premade storefront to your website. Drag and drop sections are ready for you to upload your product images, descriptions, and prices.  This way you save time not having to link with other websites.

Already have a store? Link up!

No worries my friends.  You don’t have to start from scratch.  If you want to keep your existing online store platform but link it to Mailchimp, you can link the store via an app, so you don’t lose your groove with your existing store.  Just click Manage on your home page, E-commerce, and then find the logo of your preexisting store host. 

Wait! There’s more!

If it wasn’t enough to now have Mailchimp’s email marketing services and your online store under one roof, then you might want to sit down for this next part.  Mailchimp’s new platform is now including appointment booking and calendar integrations for business owners of Salon and Gym type businesses. 

They are also stepping up marketing.  Don’t have a master’s in marketing and data analytics?  You don’t need one as you can now pick a premade “journey” marketing strategy.  You pick how emails are sent to your customer, and when follow-up emails are sent, based on customer engagement.  This way you can focus on what you do best. 

Simplicity is the name of the game.  If you want to keep things simple, Mailchimp is your partner.  Consolidate all your business operations in one easy-to-use location.  What are you waiting for?  Sign up today!

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